PTRS ny speciellt nummer: Light pollution in complex ecological systems
- Detta ämne har 1 svar, 2 deltagare, och uppdaterades senast 23-11-23 22:04 av Fredrik Silow.
30 oktober, 2023 kl. 09:24 #6552
Tidskriften “Philosophical transactions of the royal society B” har ett nytt speciellt nummer om ljusföroreningar:
Light pollution in complex ecological systems (
Några av artiklarna är öppna, inklusive inledningen:
Light pollution has emerged as a burgeoning area of scientific interest, receiving increasing attention in recent years. The resulting body of literature has revealed a diverse array of species-specific and context-dependent responses to artificial light at night (ALAN). Because predicting and generalizing community-level effects is difficult, our current comprehension of the ecological impacts of light pollution on complex ecological systems remains notably limited. It is critical to better understand ALAN’s effects at higher levels of ecological organization in order to comprehend and mitigate the repercussions of ALAN on ecosystem functioning and stability amidst ongoing global change. This theme issue seeks to explore the effects of light pollution on complex ecological systems, by bridging various realms and scaling up from individual processes and functions to communities and networks. Through this integrated approach, this collection aims to shed light on the intricate interplay between light pollution, ecological dynamics and humans in a world increasingly impacted by anthropogenic lighting.This article is part of the theme issue ‘Light pollution in complex ecological systems’.
23 november, 2023 kl. 22:04 #6802
Sjukt, såg inte denna förrän nu. Tack för länkarna! Fick du pdf:en av Sciencenumret om ljusföroreningar av mig?
Såg du förresten att Sky&Telescope hade 15 sidor om ljusföroreningar nu i senaste numret, jan 2024?
/Fredrik Silow
Ordförande i SAAF,
Svensk AmatörAstronomisk Förening—————————————————————————————————
Meade Lightbridge 16″ | Meade RCX400 12″
Celestron SCT8 XLT Carbon 8″ | TS Optics Newton 6″ f/5
Sky-Watcher Skymax 127, 5″ MAK | Lunt LS35 Ha solteleskop
TS Optics AP 70/420 ED Carbon | TS Optics fälkikare 20×80- Det här svaret redigerades för 9 månader av Fredrik Silow.
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